Amnesty is a legislative or executive act by which a state restores those who may have been guilty of an offense against it to the positions of innocent people. It includes more than pardon, in as much as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense. The word has the same root as amnesia. Amnesty is more and more used to express 'freedom' and the time when prisoners can go free.
(you can click the underlined words to know about the word more)
These are some fact about Amnesty International that I've learned from our previous time :
- It is a global human right organisation.
- It has 2.8 million members in 150 countries.
- UN Universal Declaration of Human rights.
- The main goal right now is to fight against death penalty
{[t is the same and equal as taking someone's right to life][also the same as killing someone][liberty and security of a person]}
- Death penalty that does not have enough prove
- Death penalty withuot reasons
[key campaign] - (main purpose) - (to abolish death penalty)
-Recognising that children have their right [inheritance/inherited]
-Giving people another chance
[some where even innocent][doing the crime without knowing]
[they {victim} were released]
-The similarity of execution and death penalty
[execution were being praticed in China] - (The family have to pay for the bullet) - (bullet that has being used to kill the criminal)
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