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Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia
16 years of age..love having friends n hope you all enjoy reading my blog...? Maybe :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Most common crime in Malaysia

Drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, corruption, black marketeering and illegal racing are one of the most common crimes that happening around Malaysia. there are many other crimes that are happening but these are the main crimes out of all others. These crimes can be heard in the media e.g television and newspaper, almost continuously being repeatedly happening. Crimes such as illegal racing are common in Malaysia because young people think it is 'cool' and people will respect and the activity will give them power over everyone once you won in all the races that has been happening. The causes of the illegal racing are mostly cause by youngsters or people people under 25 years of age.  

The map below shows other crimes that are happening lately in Malaysia.
Recent Reported Malaysia Crimes

The crimes that has been showed above through the URL has change my mind/opinion about the common crimes. It is shocking to know that Malaysia also has the kind of crimes that some people can call it as a 'stupid crime'.

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